
Production: Lightning

Saturday 11 October 2014

Setting up my tripod for some sunset time lapse footage I had planned, I noticed some dark stormy clouds in the distance. These clouds developed into a large storm, however I only had access to my Fujifilm x20, which I had never filmed on before. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, I set up my tripod and camera towards the storm and captured these shots of lightning.

I'm very pleased with the final results, which I slowed down in post-production using Premiere Pro. The vivid purple and pink colours are striking against the dark sky, and the overall framing of each shot is more than usable within double exposure.

I edited these clips together to demonstrate the particular clips which are usable. I had to crop each of the original files as they were around 10 minutes long, this is due to the lightning being fairly random, and I could only predict the general direction the bolts are coming from. This quickly approaching storm encouraged me to think on my feet in order to not miss the opportunity, developing my problem solving skills which will be useful in future shoots.

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