
Music Video - First Complete Draft

Friday 6 March 2015

These drafts shall be presented to my focus group that is planned for the 9/03/15.

Things that have changed since the previous draft:

• The video is now complete. There are still elements I want to change (some sequences towards the end that are similar, the long introduction) but such adjustments will be more dependent on the audience's feedback.

• The first 3 sequences after the introduction [1][2][3]. These sequences have been changed a lot throughout the construction of this video. As they are towards the start, they set the tone for the rest of the video, so I want these to encompass the videos aesthetic to engage the viewer. The overall flow of the video between each sequence was the main consideration of mine even from the planning stages, and with the previous drafts, I felt that the contrasting imagery and grading created a quite disjointed aesthetic, going from an otherwise dark fluid sequence to a light, cityscape scene. In this draft, I was keen to keep the cityscape sequence [2] as it is quite different from the other shots, deciding to invert it to form a dark blue to a white/cream/blue grading. This made the features of the face and body more pronounced, highlighting the lip-syncing which denotes the performance aspect of the video, following Lynch's 1984 theory that all music videos contain at least one aspect of performance, narrative, or are conceptual. Following this, I decided to change the first shot of this sequence [1] to better suit the grading of the second shot. Using similar imagery from previous drafts, this particular footage changed from blue to cream grading, hence including the main colours from the sequence, strengthening the flow of the video. Because of these two changes, I also altered the grading of the third shot in this sequence [3] to better fit with the overriding blue palette of the previous two.

• First chorus, last line sequence has also been altered, the new version is [4] and the previous version is [5] . Featuring fireworks as outlined in my planning, I felt that whilst this was effective, James's face was too visible, loosing the subtlety from the previous sequences. I changed the grading using the Curves tool in After Effects, hence reducing the contrast the figure has. I also reduced the Tint on the overlaid fireworks footage, generating a more purple hue which mimics a similar palette from the previous sequence.

• The lacking definition within the hands on the instrumental sequences [6] was especially noticeable in the darker shots. In order to reduce the flatness and create the impression of 3D, I altered the keying to better isolate the green screen footage of the hands. I also used the Levels tool to adjust the shadows and highlights of the footage. This was repeated for each shot in both instrumental sections.

• I intended for the video to become gradually darker as it progressed, following the increasingly darker lyrics. For the third chorus, I originally had a fairly dark grading [8] however this was slightly too dark for it's position along the timeline, as well as appearing quite similar to the previous sequence. In order to maintain the level of visual interest, I overlaid multiple video channels to create a moving background, creating sequence [7]. Whilst I am pleased with this shot, it does appear similar to sequence [9] which comes two sequences later. I will put this to the target audience to see if they notice this similarity, and if it needs to be changed.

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