
Practical Pre-Production: Speed Tests

Saturday 27 September 2014

The manipulation of speed has been an element within each of our group practical tests. We decided to experiment with this further, with exercises including the song being lip-synced at different rates (from half speed to double speed) and then either speeding up or slowing down the final clip, hopefully resulting in the front person lip-syncing at normal speed, and the people behind becoming blurred or slowed down respectively.

Here the song was sung at half the normal speed, whilst we danced in the background. Then the clip was sped up in post production, causing James to move at normal speed, and those in the background slightly faster. This was not as successful as we'd have hoped, partially down to us not dancing quick enough to cause any real fragmentation in the background, and James's partial movement causing him to become slightly jittery rather than completely unaffected by this speed manipulation.

In this video, we had the audio lip-synced to at 200%, and people moving slowly behind James. This meant that when the video was slowed down in post to 50% (normal speed) those who walked behind him would be blurred and appear with a trail. This appeared more successful than the previous video above, whereby the video was sped up rather than slowed down.

We also decided to keep James seated and fairly still, as with the 50% audio version he appeared slightly jerky in places when he moved. The trailing effect was certainly interesting in this particular video, demonstrating how the decisions on walking speed during the shoot will vary the intensity of the effect slightly.
I edited this particular clip over a weekend, because of this I only had access to iMovie. Whilst this is not as sophisticated as Premiere Pro, I was already proficient in this software, and for the simple task of slowing down one long clip, iMovie was sufficient.

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